
Knowledge about the methods to generate current, complete and reliable data at the regional level, in order to give direction to the development of conscious destinations.

Up-to-date, complete and reliable data at destination level are essential to provide guidance and direction to decision-making and development of, among others, entrepreneurs and policymakers. On the one hand, this theme concerns substantive data on demand, supply and impacts as a basis for all strategic tasks. On the other hand, it concerns methods and access to knowledge, including optimisation and (national) coordination of data collection, its methods (including AI and machine learning), and the applications and communication of data. To this end, the possibilities of innovative (smart) technology must be explored and used.

Knowledge priorities

  • Developing a 'toolbox' with methods for the most common knowledge needs and policy questions, such that destinations can opt for the most optimal method in the specific local context on the one hand, and national coordination as much as possible on the other.
  • Get figures for visitors, day visitors and overnight tourism in order at destination level in collaboration with stakeholders in the LDA.
  • Developing instruments for measuring pressure and capacity at destination level and data on current crowds and visitor flows for the operationalisation of 'live' visitor management.
  • Develop further knowledge about supply and demand on the labor market.

More information

This theme is part of the Agenda Conscious Destinations. This knowledge agenda serves as a guideline for CELTH's knowledge and education partners to develop new relevant knowledge and skills for the hospitality domain. This is needed because the domain is faced with a major transition task.