Sustainable vision ANVR

Society is facing increasing sustainability challenges around climate, biodiversity, energy and quality of the living environment. This also affects tourism in general and the outbound travel industry in particular. 

ANVR has expressed its ambition to become the most sustainable travel industry organisation in the world. This requires an ambitious and thorough vision of a sustainable travel industry.

CELTH will develop a sustainability vision for the Dutch outbound travel sector for ANVR, including basic principles that guide its sustainability task. With this vision, ANVR should better highlight its interests (externally) and create clarity for its members (internally) regarding its sustainable course.

The vision will be developed in co-creation with ANVR and its members using futuring and backcasting techniques.

From CELTH, Dr Albert Postma (NHL Stenden / European Tourism Futures Institute), Dr Ko Koens (Breda University of Applied Sciences) and Dr Harald Buijtendijk (Breda University of Applied Sciences) are involved.

The first phase of the project has been completed and CELTH has delivered the report 'The sustainability ambition of the ANVR and the Dutch travel industry'. Phase two is currently underway where, through backcasting, the necessary steps are being concretized to achieve zero emissions in 2050 and to achieve sustainability in the chain and at destinations.