Call for research projects 'Leisure for a better society'


Breda University of Applied Sciences will be hosting the 18th World Leisure Congress 25-28th August 2025. The overarching theme of the Congress is ‘Leisure for a better society’.

CELTH, in collaboration with Buas has now opened a call for research projects. We would like to invite our colleagues from the Universities of Applied Sciences in de The Netherlands to initiate a project within the mentioned theme. Please find the details for funding on the call in the PDF file. 

The Congress brings together leisure professionals from academia, industry, and government to discuss, share and address the latest issues in the domain of leisure in its broadest sense, encompassing tourism, sport, recreation (active and passive, indoor and outdoor), hospitality, media and events.  

The deadline for proposals has been extended to Monday 13 May 2024.
We are looking forward to innovative and inspiring project proposals!