Leisure Offer

Knowledge about robust business models with which providers can offer a high-quality experience to visitors and also increase their social contribution.

The offer is the core of the hospitality domain and is therefore an essential part of the ABB. There are a number of important tasks within this theme. Making the business model robust at the provider level is crucial for the long-term healthy survival of the domain. The quality of the experience is the essence of the domain; providers would like more insight into this experience and how it can be stimulated. Finally, the challenge for entrepreneurs is to integrate the tasks identified in the previous themes into their business model: increasing social value and minimising negative impacts, strengthening and utilizing human capital, playing a clear and active role in organising capacity of the destination and more data-driven working.

Knowledge priorities

  • Unlocking knowledge of business models for the hospitality domain and developing indicators for measuring (multiple) value creation.
  • Develop methods for measuring social value, so that it can be made transparent, it can be increased, and providers can further develop their business model.
  • Develop knowledge about designing experiences and the possible role of technology in shaping (future-proof, sustainable) experiences. The ultimately realised quality of experience must also be measured and analysed.
  • Unlocking knowledge about making the hospitality domain more sustainable, for the purpose of developing innovative sustainable and regenerative concepts and understanding the motivations of both entrepreneurs and consumers.

More information

This theme is part of the Agenda Conscious Destinations. This knowledge agenda serves as a guideline for CELTH's knowledge and education partners to develop new relevant knowledge and skills for the hospitality domain. This is needed because the domain is faced with a major transition task.