It’s a wrap! After three intensive days, the first part of our training on sustainable tourism in Lake Toba (Indonesia) has come to an end


This training is part of the Living Lab, in which CELTH Hogescholen, NHL Stenden, Breda University of Applied Sciences and HZ University of Applied Sciences, together with Nuffic Neso Indonesia, work closely together to develop Lake Toba into a sustainable tourist destination.

Over the past few days, the participants have followed lectures, seen inspiring examples, but mainly got to work themselves. The participants have different backgrounds and interests (heritage tourism, culture tourism, community-based tourism, agrotourism), but the focus was on discovering the different values (value proposition, unique selling points, etc.) of Lake Toba to enhance the area and develop it in a sustainable way.

Deelnemers Training Lake Toba

On the last day, John Hummel was our guest and shared his expertise and experience around slow tourism and agrotourism. Next week, the second part of the training will take place and the participants will continue to fill in the Business Model Canvas, led by Jos van der Sterren.