Human Capital Research Agenda for leisure, tourism and hospitality


The hospitality industry is growing rapidly. In August Statistics Netherlands (CBS) published the most recent growth rates: the value of tourist spending in the Dutch economy in 2017 has increased by 6.9% to €82.1 billion. Which leads to increased employment opportunities: the number of jobs in the tourism industry in the Netherlands in 2017 increased by 3.8% to 761,000 jobs.

NBTC Holland Marketing presenting Human Capital

The potential for the industry is huge, but the complexity is also increasing. That is why Human Capital is one of the themes of Perspectief 2030 that NBTC Holland Marking is presenting and discussing during the Tourism Top in October.

Social and technological trends influencing the industry

Think about the rise of Artificial Intelligence and robotisation, the worldwide growth of the number of tourists, and the change in the meaning of tourism and recreation to the consumer. All these developments will have an impact on the roles and job descriptions of employees in the field of tourism. Because of this we have taken the initiative, in cooperation with market actors, to obtain an overview of substantial shifts that could send the industry in a new direction.

Shaping and carrying out the research agenda

Subsequently we will translate this into updated roles and jobs of the employed Human Capital. This change is not easy: eventually we will get to a Human Capital Research Agenda for leisure, tourism and hospitality. In a joint effort with knowledge institutions, researchers, governments and policy makers, market operators and entrepreneurs we will shape and carry out this research agenda.