Envisioning Tourism 2030 in program conference CityDNA

Sofia - Bulgaria

CELTH-researcher Bernadett Papp is on stage with Elke Dens from the Travel Foundation at the CityDNA International Conference & General Assembly 2023. The City Destinations Alliance (CityDNA) is the leading European alliance for cities and urban regions.
Bernadett and Elke will present the report ‘Envisioning Tourism in 2030’ that recently has been published by the Travel Foundation. Dutch researchers and experts from CELTH, the European Tourism Futures Institute, Breda University of Applied Sciences, and NBTC made an important contribution to this international report.
Envisioning Tourism in 2030 has been developed to help policymakers and the tourism industry understand what a global, thriving, decarbonizing tourism industry could look like by the end of this decade, and through to 2050 when tourism, and every other human activity, must achieve net zero greenhouse gas emissions.
The conference's theme is ‘The elephant in the room’ and focuses on current issues such as sustainability, control, and growth.

More information on the conference website.