Social Event Hospitality Pact

Postillion Hotel & Convention Centre Amsterdam

The labour market in the hospitality sector is permanently under pressure. For these reasons, the various hospitality sectors are intensifying their cooperation with education and the government

To this end, on 29 June they will launch the Hospitality Pact, a course document for long-term cooperation on a vital hospitality labour market. An overarching Hospitality branding campaign will also be launched. The pact is supported by MBO Raad, FNV Horecabond, CELTH, KHN, VENECA, HISWA-RECRON, ANVR, CLC-VECTA and NBTC.

We would like to invite you to this festive moment on Thursday 29 June from 3 pm to 5 pm. The exact location of this social event will follow soon. You can register now via: